Wednesday 15 February 2012

Star Wars Uncut

Have you seen the amazing BBC clip about the new "Star Wars Uncut"? In it, Casey Pugh, the creator of the Emmy Award winning, "Star Wars Uncut" project, spoke to the BBC Outriders podcast.

There is now a director's cut which is a fan-made version of Star Wars which has recently been released. It has become an online hit in no time flat! What happened is that chopped the film up into hundreds of 15 second clips. The really cunning bit is that they then invited internet users to upload their own versions - and you can imagine how many of them there are.

Now, a selection of these has been stitched together to form the new fan version of the classic film. Follow the link below:

Monday 13 February 2012

Star Wars - Use the Force - Strategy Guide for Star Wars (The Old Republic)

Yes - here it is! One of the most popular Star Wars games around right now. This is a digital guide that shows you how to improve and master your gameplay in the world of SWTOR online.

Our SWTOR guide consists of high quality content and illustrations written by professional writers in collaboration with experienced professionals that specialize in gaming strategy guides. Get it here:


Sunday 12 February 2012

Star Wars Games

If you like good computer games, then here is one you may enjoy:

Aeon SWTOR Guide (Star Wars The Old Republic) is a game with 16 choices of advanced classes. Since one of the big problems people have coming to grips with a game is the cost in credits before you have mastered it, Aeon SWTOR give you a host of tips and lists step-by-step techniques to avoid all that unnecessary expense!

Good versus Bad - Is Star Wars that Simple?

When you have a force - perhaps that should be, "Force" - which can be used, or abused, depending upon who channels it, then you have a fairly even balance between good and evil.

In essence, the basic plot of "Star Wars" is the battle of Good versus Evil. The characters are clearly defined as the "little people" who fight for  freedom against the evil that is represented by Darth Vader, who has the advantage of a terrific costume and headgear that conceals his identity. His voice has been instantly recognisable ever since!

However, even Darth Vader has a human side and, by making the story more than simple black and white, it has transcended the cowboys and Indians format that it could so easily have been.

Characters which are aliens (Chewbacca the Wookie) and machines, like R2-D2 and C-3PO, (which sounds like the number of a Post Office van, when you think about it) have been much loved ever since the film appeared. By becoming "multi-cultural" in a sci-fi world, "Star Wars" chimed very much with its era. Just as ideas of racial stereotypes were disappearing after the days of segregation in the Southern Staes of the USA, this was a flagship of the NewWorld; a world in which all races could live together in harmony. Those who disagreed were the Old World of racism and Nazism. Thus, by its inclusiveness, "Star Wars" was the future and, by extension, its heros  were good and capable of redemption, as in the case of Han Solo, the former smuggler.

Star Wars - The Perfect Sci-Fi Story?

Like many others (in the millions) I was bowled over by "Star Wars" when it came out. Suddenly, we were in a new world of special effects which had never previously existed. No more wobbly flying saucers, like films in the 1940s and 1950s. This was as good as it could get, surely?

Couple the new technology with a good story line, add a whole galaxy to operate in and you have the recipe for an enormous success. That is what it has been ever since the first film appeared, way back in 1977.Often described as a "space opera", it was created by George Lucas and a series of three films was released at three-year intervals.

The films are the first appearance of the "force" which can be used both for good and for ill. The Jedi knights are the good exponents of this force and, such has been the impact of this that considerable numbers of people in the UK completed the "Religion" section of their ten yearly census as "Jedi"!